Ouça a história:
Emily had always loved art. Since she was a child, she spent hours drawing and coloring. Now, at 16 years old, she wanted to try something new—painting! One sunny Saturday, she decided to visit a local art shop. The shop was filled with bright colors and beautiful supplies. Emily felt excited as she picked up a canvas, brushes, and some vibrant paints.
Emily sempre amou a arte. Desde criança, passava horas desenhando e colorindo. Agora, aos 16 anos, queria experimentar algo novo: pintar! Em um sábado ensolarado, decidiu visitar uma loja de arte local. A loja estava cheia de cores brilhantes e materiais lindos. Emily se sentiu animada ao pegar uma tela, pincéis e algumas tintas vibrantes.
That afternoon, she set up her easel in the park. The warm sun shone down, and birds sang in the trees. Emily looked around for inspiration. She saw a big, old tree with green leaves and colorful flowers blooming nearby. “Perfect!” she thought.
Naquela tarde, ela montou seu cavalete no parque. O sol quente brilhava e os pássaros cantavam nas árvores. Emily olhou ao redor em busca de inspiração. Viu uma grande árvore velha com folhas verdes e flores coloridas florescendo nas proximidades. “Perfeito!” pensou.
As she began to paint, she lost track of time. The colors danced on the canvas, and she felt happy. People walking by stopped to admire her work. An elderly woman smiled and said, “You have a talent, dear!” Emily blushed and thanked her.
Conforme começou a pintar, perdeu a noção do tempo. As cores dançavam na tela e ela se sentia feliz. Pessoas que passavam paravam para admirar seu trabalho. Uma senhora idosa sorriu e disse: “Você tem um talento, querida!” Emily corou e agradeceu.
After a few hours, Emily finished her painting. It wasn’t perfect, but it was her creation, and she was proud. She packed up her things and headed home, her heart full of joy.
Depois de algumas horas, Emily terminou sua pintura. Não era perfeita, mas era a sua criação, e ela estava orgulhosa. Ela arrumou suas coisas e voltou para casa, com o coração cheio de alegria.
That evening, she hung the painting on her bedroom wall. Every time she looked at it, she remembered her adventure in the park. Painting had become her new favorite hobby, and she couldn’t wait to explore more. Emily realized that trying new things could lead to wonderful experiences, and she was excited to see where her creativity would take her next.
Naquela noite, ela pendurou a pintura na parede do seu quarto. Sempre que olhava para ela, lembrava-se de sua aventura no parque. Pintar se tornou seu novo hobby favorito, e ela mal podia esperar para explorar mais. Emily percebeu que experimentar coisas novas poderia levar a experiências maravilhosas, e estava animada para ver aonde sua criatividade a levaria a seguir.
The warm sun shone down, and birds sang in the trees
O sol quente brilhava, e os pássaros cantavam nas árvores.
The colors danced on the canvas, and she felt happy
As cores dançavam na tela, e ela se sentia feliz.
That evening, she hung the painting on her bedroom wall
Naquela noite, ela pendurou a pintura na parede do seu quarto.
Since she was a child, she spent hours drawing and coloring
Desde que era criança, ela passava horas desenhando e colorindo.
Emily realized that trying new things could lead to wonderful experiences, and she was excited to see where her creativity would take her next
Emily percebeu que experimentar coisas novas poderia levar a experiências maravilhosas, e ela estava empolgada para ver aonde sua criatividade a levaria a seguir.